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Workshop: Towards an Online Atlas of Phenology
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Edited by Zoe Panchen, Joel Sachs, Mélanie Bélisle-Leclerc, Scott Chamberlain, Jonathan Davies, Pamela Soltis, Rob Guralnick

An on-line phenology atlas would be a platform for integrating phenology data from the many individual researchers, institutions, and citizen science programs that are willing to make their phenology records available. It would provide capabilities for analyzing and visualizing the data with a species-based, location-based, or phenophase-based focus. This workshop will explore possible visions for such an atlas, and possible steps for making it a reality. Goals of the workshop include:

  • A survey of existing initiatives aimed at standardizing and integrating phenology data.
  • Identifying barriers to standardization and integration.
  • Generating use cases.
  • Generating competency questions - i.e. What queries would we want an on-line atlas of phenology to support?
  • Identifying possibilities for future development.

Submissions are invited relating to any of the above. As well, the organizers plan a number of small experiments in phenological data integration prior to the workshop, so that discussion is informed by what’s currently easy, and what’s currently hard. If you would like to participate in these experiments (by contributing data, use cases, or technical capacity), please contact the organizers.

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Part of collection TDWG Proceedings 2017

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