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Symposium: Citizen Science Contributions to Biodiversity Research and Standards
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Edited by Robert D. Stevenson
Citizen science encompasses a diverse set of activities that contribute to biodiversity research including decoding and transcribing museum labels, collecting specimens and images, analyzing and classifying digital collections, setting out camera traps and doing field surveys.  This symposium offers a venue for citizen science practitioners to describe their biodiversity projects and to learn about the TDWG community. Likewise, informatics specialists and database managers working on biodiversity projects are encouraged to present the issues they face when supporting citizen science programs.  Aspects of a citizen science programs from project design, to data collection and data curation are welcome.  Projects that address taxonomic or data quality issues are especially encouraged.  Participants are invited to join in the work of the Citizen Science Interest Group in developing standards to support biodiversity research.
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Part of collection TDWG Proceedings 2017
Conference Abstract
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