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Workshop: Biodiversity data annotations – state of the play and perspectives
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Edited by Lutz Suhrbier, Okka Tschöpe, Anton Güntsch, Walter Berendsohn

With the growing number of digitised specimen metadata and images on the world wide web, on-line annotation systems for correcting or enriching label information become increasingly important. The annotation system AnnoSys is one of the systems that provide functional infrastructure for annotating collection information as well as web service interfaces for searching existing annotations and their integration into research workflows. The recent stable release of AnnoSys has been integrated with the GBIF data portal, the World Flora Online Specimen Explorer, the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) and others and stores all annotations conforming with the W3C Open Annotation Data Model in a centralised RDF repository together with the original specimen data.

The workshop focusses on practical demonstration of available annotation systems and their integration into the international biodiversity informatics landscape. We will discuss potential new features and future developments with a focus on semantic interoperability and synchronisation or aggregation mechanisms for distributed annotation repositories.

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Part of collection TDWG Proceedings 2017

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