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Symposium: Advances in data accessibility and data management for marine species occurrence data
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Edited by Andrew Sherin, Ward Appeltans, Lenore Bajona, Mary Kennedy

The symposium will include presentations on the practices of data accessibility and data management for marine biological occurrence data by members of the Canadian Ocean Data Management Community of Practice and others on the following topics:


* Making data accessible for reuse and data rescue initiatives
* Biodiversity plus environmental measurements: OBIS-ENV and beyond
* Encouraging a ‘Community of practice’ for marine biological occurrence data
* Development of vocabularies and tools for quality control for DwC terms
* Identification of the need for new DwC terms
* Biodiversity use cases demonstrating data integration with habitat (e.g. Coastal Web Atlases)
* Data management training curriculums
* Citizen science and volunteer coordination

The symposium will be structured into several mini-symposia of selected topics based upon the topics of received presentation proposals. Not all of the topics listed above may be addressed within the symposium. Each mini-symposia will conclude with a panel discussion to identify next steps for collaboration and / or recommendations initially to the Canadian Ocean Data Management Community of Practice.
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Part of collection TDWG Proceedings 2017
Conference Abstract
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