Biodiversity Information Science and Standards :
Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Nicole Kearney (
Received: 08 Sep 2021 | Published: 08 Sep 2021
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Kearney N, Funkhouser C, Lichtenberg M, Missell B, Page R, Richard J, Rielinger D, Lynch S (2021) #RetroPIDs: The missing link to the foundation of biodiversity knowledge. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 5: e74141.
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) will soon upload its 60 millionth page of open access biodiversity literature onto the BHL website and the BHL's Internet Archive Collection. The BHL’s massive repository of free knowledge includes content that is available nowhere else online, as well as accessible versions of content that are locked behind paywalls elsewhere. If we are to continue to expand our understanding of life on Earth, we must ensure that the foundation of biodiversity knowledge provided by BHL is discoverable by the tools we rely on to navigate the ever-expanding internet. These tools – search engines and their algorithms – preferentially deliver (and rank) content with good metadata and persistent identifiers (PIDs).
In modern online publishing, PID assignment and linking happens at the point of publication: DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for publications, ORCIDs (Open Researcher and Contributor IDs) for people, and RORs (Research Organization Registry IDs) for organisations. The DOI system provided by Crossref (the DOI registration agency for scholarly content) delivers reciprocal citations, enabling convenient clicking from article to article, and citation tracking, enabling authors and institutions to track the impact and reach of their research output. Publications that lack PIDs, which include the vast majority of legacy literature, are hard to find and sit outside the linked network of scholarly research. This makes it nearly impossible to determine whether they are being cited, let alone viewed, mentioned, shared or liked.
At TDWG 2020,
This paper will detail our efforts to retrofit the historic literature (a square peg) into the modern PID system (a round hole) and will present both the achievements and the challenges of this important work.
persistent identifiers, PIDs, digital object identifiers, DOIs, Biodiversity Heritage Library, BHL, metadata, publishing, research, open access, paywalls, online content, Crossref, Unpaywall, citations, biodiversity knowledge graph, linked data, ISSNs, copyright, literature, accessibility, discoverability, FAIR
Nicole Kearney
TDWG 2021