Biodiversity Information Science and Standards : Conference Abstract
Conference Abstract
Completing the Data Pipeline: Collections Data Use in Research, Education and Outreach
expand article infoGil Nelson, Molly Phillips§, Anna Monfils|, Bruce MacFadden§, Gabriela Hogue
‡ Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, United States of America
§ University of Florida, Gainesville, United States of America
| Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, United States of America
¶ North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, United States of America
Open Access


Type of Submission: Symposium and Educational Share Fair

Themes: Digitisation and Collections Data, Collections Access and Use, Education, and Science Communications

Full Title: Completing the Data Pipeline: Collections Data Use in Research, Education and Outreach

Short Title: Joint SCNet/BLUE/iDigBio Symposium at SPNHC 2018

Organizers: Gil Nelson, Molly Phillips, Bruce MacFadden, Gabriela Hogue, and Anna Monfils

Sponsors: iDigBio, Small Collections Network (SCNet), and Biodiversity Literacy Litercy in Undergraduate Education (BLUE)

Contact information: Molly Phillips 352-672-2664 and Gil Nelson 850-766-2649

Symposium Abstract

Natural history collections around the world have been digitizing and making their data available online with the support of initiatives like GBIF, iDigBio, and ALA. Collections digitization and mobilization efforts are far from complete, but with hundreds of millions of specimen records now available online, natural history collections can safely claim the distinction of being a source of ‘big data”.

The purpose of this symposium is to highlight the diverse uses of digital collections resources for research, education, and outreach including activities that are currently underway around the globe with special focus on using collections data for: innovative research applications, inspiring outreach initiatives intended for new audiences, and educational resources and programs that are ensuring a new generation of competent collections data users. We anticipate this to be a full day event with up to 20 speakers. We will invite selected speakers to submit abstracts and depend on abstract submissions through the SPNHC abstract submission process.

Educational Share Fair

In addition to the symposium, we propose a one hour roundtable “share fair” session for educational materials. This is an opportunity for participants to get feedback on education or outreach materials that are in development. This differs from the normal SPNHC DemoCamp in both format and focus. During the one hour time period, we will offer two rounds of ten presentations simultaneously. Each presenter will be set up at a round table and be given 25 minutes to present their materials and collect feedback and generate discussion with the participants that sit at their table. These are intended as informal sessions so no AV will be provided, but presenters can bring a laptop and copies of any of their materials to share. Depending on turnout, we could offer 20 unique presentations or repeat the 10 presentation in both sessions to allow participants to give feedback to multiple presenters. We will advertise the share fair broadly through various listservs to generate presenters and participants.

Presenting author

Molly Phillips, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida

Presented at

This proposal is for SPNHC 2018

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