Biodiversity Information Science and Standards : Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Allan Koch Veiga (, Antonio Mauro Saraiva (
Received: 09 Apr 2018 | Published: 18 May 2018
© 2018 Allan Veiga, Antonio Saraiva, Cláudia da Silva
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Veiga A, Saraiva A, da Silva C (2018) The Online Pollen Catalogs Network (RCPol) data quality assurance system. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2: e25657.
The Online Pollen Catalogs Network (RCPol) ( was conceived to promote interaction among researchers and the integration of data from pollen collections, herbaria and bee collections. In order to structure RCPol work, researchers and collaborators have organized information on Palynology in four branches: palynoecology, paleopalynology, palynotaxonomy and spores. This information is collaboratively digitized and managed using standardized Google Spreadsheets. These datasets are assessed by the RCPol palynology experts and when a dataset is compliant with the RCPol data quality policy, it is published to
Data quality assessment used to be performed manually by the experts and was time-consuming and inconsistent in detecting data quality problemas such as incomplete and inconsistent information. In order to support data quality assessment in a more automated and effective way, we are developing a data quality tool which implements a series of mechanisms to measure, validate and improve completeness, consistency, conformity, accessibility and uniqueness of data, prior to a manual expert assessment. The system was designed according to the conceptual framework proposed by Task Group 1 of the Biodiversity Data Quality Interest Group
This system contributes significantly to decreasing the workload of the experts. Some data may still contain values that cannot be easily automatically assessed, e.g. validate if the content of an image matches the respective scientific name, so expert manual assessment remains necessary. After the system reports that data are compliant with the profile, a manual assessment must be performed by the experts, using the data quality report as support, and only after that will the data be published. The next steps include archival of the data quality reports in a database, improving the web interface to enable searching and sorting of assertions, and to provide a machine readable interface for the data quality reports.
data quality, quality assurance, conceptual framework, data quality profile, data quality report
Allan Koch Veiga