Proceedings of TDWG : Conference Abstract
Conference Abstract
Living Atlases : tips and advices
expand article infoMarie-Elise Lecoq, Fabien Cavière, Régine Vignes-Lebbe§
‡ GBIF France, Paris, France
§ UPMC, Paris, France
Open Access


Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), Australian node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), provides information on all the known species in Australia. Since 2010, ALA has developed an open source framework providing different tools to help users from various sectors. The ALA technical team, with the help of GBIF, has reorganized the architecture of ALA tools into several modules to help other institutions to re-use the code. 

The three first sessions of this workshop focuses on data indexation, occurrence search engine and metadata registry. The last session delves into more technical subjects with hands-on demonstration of installing an instance of the portal (also known as ALA-demo*1) using Ansible scripts. In addition to this, sharing of experience regarding the customization of data portals and building a name indexer using national checklists will be covered. Finally, we will present others modules such as ALA4R*2, project allowing R users to access data and resources hosted by a platform based on ALA, or Image service*3, tiling and image repository tool.


ALA, community, customization, R, checklist, ansible

Presenting author

Marie-Elise Lecoq

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