Proceedings of TDWG : Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Sandra Meid (, Lars Vogt (
Received: 18 Jul 2017 | Published: 25 Jul 2017
© 2017 Sandra Meid, Roman Baum, Philipp Bhatty, Peter Grobe, Christian Köhler, Björn Quast, Lars Vogt
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Citation: Meid S, Baum R, Bhatty P, Grobe P, Köhler C, Quast B, Vogt L (2017) Developing a Module for Generating Formalized Semantic Morphological Descriptions for Morph∙D∙Base. Proceedings of TDWG 1: e15141.
We demonstrate the early prototype of a new module for Morph∙D∙Base that allows the generation of highly formalized semantic morphological descriptions ( The resulting morphological descriptions follow the individuals-based Instance Anatomy data scheme (as opposed to the class-based Semantic Phenotypes data scheme). The module allows the description of a specimen's anatomy by generating a granular representation of the parts of the specimen to be described, using ontology-terms from known ontologies. This results in a hierarchy of parts and subparts (partonomy), which serves as organizational backbone of the entire description, with each part representing a section of the description to which you can navigate using the partonomy. The module allows the description of each part from the partonomy using (1) a set of formalized input forms, which also allow the specification of metadata for each input field, (2) a text-widget for providing conventional free-text descriptions, which can be semantically enriched through annotating them with ontology-terms of (user-)selected ontologies, and (3) an image-widget for linking images, which allows semantically enriching each image by specifying regions of interest and annotating them with ontology-terms of (user-)selected ontologies. This new module is based on SOCCOMAS, an application for semantic ontology-controlled Web-Content-Management-Systems that we are currently developing (
ontology, Morph∙D∙Base, morphology, formalized semantic morphological description, partonomy, metadata, free-text descriptions, semantic annotation, ontology-terms, ontology-controlled application, content management system, triple store, knowledge base, linked open data
Sandra Meid, Lars Vogt
The work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft:
Digitalisierung / Erschließung von Objekten: eScience-konforme Standards für die Morphologie