Biodiversity Information Science and Standards :
Conference Abstract
Corresponding author: Sophie Pamerlon (
Received: 28 Aug 2023 | Published: 29 Aug 2023
© 2023 Sophie Pamerlon, Anne-Sophie Archambeau, Francisco Pando de la Hoz, Gargominy Olivier, Franck Michel, Sandrine Tercerie, Eva Rodinson, Noëlie Maurel, Gloria Martínez-Sagarra, Adeline Kerner, Régine Vignes Lebbe, Bertrand Schatz, Pascal Dupont
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pamerlon S, Archambeau A-S, Pando de la Hoz F, Olivier G, Michel F, Tercerie S, Rodinson E, Maurel N, Martínez-Sagarra G, Kerner A, Vignes Lebbe R, Schatz B, Dupont P (2023) Knowledge Base on Species Life Traits: A Spanish/French Plinian Core implementation use case. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e111784.
The French “Traits” working group was created in 2021 to support the development of the national knowledge base on species life traits managed by the PatriNat department*
The Plinian Core (
The Plinian Core was discussed with Dr Pando (convener of the TDWG Plinian Core Task Group*
Additionally, this is an opportunity to provide information to GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) through a new update of the TAXREF (
base of knowledge, species life traits, Plinian Core, taxon description, ontologies, taxonomical information sharing, taxonomic database, checklist enrichment
Sophie Pamerlon
TDWG 2023
CR2P (Center for Research on Palaeontology - Paris), ISYEB (Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity), Université Côte-d’Azur/CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research)/Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology)
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), Costa Rica: